As most of you are aware, I developed the Rasputin MindRape Seduction Method over the last two decades, based on approaching THOUSANDS of desperately underfucked sluts on the streets of Toronto. Local men know that the vast majority of sluts in this city are COMPLETE CUNTS, primarily due to misandrous and homocentric brainwashing from both the local media and radical FemiNazi special interest groups. Also, many Toronto sluts have become so jaded and bitter from dating metrosexuals, that they have basically given up on finding true heterosexual love. Furthermore, an alarmist local media has brainwashed sluts into thinking that anyone with a penis is going to either infect them with HIV, or brutally rape and murder them, then chop their body into bite-sized pieces.
Having overcome the above seduction challenges, the methods I have developed to rapidly locate, detect, charm, MindRape, seduce, and subsequently enslave local sluts, when applied by my seduction students outside of the Toronto microcosm, have been highly effective in affording them unhindered tri-orifice access to the most elusive of females. Over the years men from 6 continents have flown to Toronto to wander the streets with me (I am prepared to provide FREE ONE-ON-ONE COACHING to the first lonely Antarctic scientist who contacts me, in order to put that seventh continent under my belt). After each of my clients developed battle hardness accosting our local sluts, 100% of them were able to effectively apply my methods to sluts in their home towns. For those of you who cannot afford to pay me $3,000 per day for the privilege of one-on-one coaching, I will be blogging seduction advice on a regular basis, beginning with this post.
CAVEAT: I have limited time to cover seduction topics in-depth in this forum. And unfortunately, I have no time to record CD’s or finish writing books I started years ago. Mein Kock, the story of the adventures of me and my cock, is still only 2/3 done, and The Dimitri Code, which is an elaborate guidebook to my seduction method, is about half done. My blog posts are not a substitute for these literary masterpieces, and they cannot present you with sufficient detail to ensure your success in seducing sluts. Through this medium I can only provide you with a general idea of what methods I teach my seduction students and why, without exception, my graduates have been so proficient in the successful regular bareback penetration of orifices. And now on to my inaugural seduction post, which covers how to seduce emotionally fragile sluts during the “post-holiday season” month of January. Continue reading