Thank you to my blog follower “Cat Man” for posting a comment two days ago in which he asked me to express my opinion on “Angry White Man Syndrome”. I have gone one step further and written a 4,300 word essay on the topic, which I now dedicate to Cat Man. I encourage everyone reading my blog, to like Cat Man, submit their questions. I read all of your comments and emails, and as time permits, will respond publically for the benefit of all my blog children. For your information, when a topic inspires me, I enter a trance during which thoughts start racing through my mind and onto the keyboard. That hyperfocused mental state usually lasts for 2-3 hours. After I complete my creation, I often collapse with exhaustion. The next day I proofread what I wrote, realizing that I do not remember writing any of it … it is like I am reading it for the first time! I truly believe that I have been chosen for a higher purpose and that powers far greater than me, work through me. When I am writing to defeat the dark forces of FemiNazism, I am possessed by spirit angels that commandeer my mind and body in the same way that the authors of many holy scriptures were possessed by what they thought was “God”. And now on to my blog post …
The Marxist-FemiNazi axis of evil loves to throw around the term “Angry White Male” (AWM) to describe any man who vehemently adheres to a traditional set of male values, and is therefore leading a normal, natural lifestyle. When a white man LOUDLY and FORCEABLY stands up for his rights to KEEP AND BEAR ARMS and KEEP AND BEAR COCK, his zealous fervor is often misconstrued as being the result of “anger”. The phrase AWM was first coined because of the rise of Ron Paul and the Libertarian movement in The United States. The “Tea Party” has sadly been co-opted by the Neocon wing of the Republican Party, so now it is for all intents and purposes a puppet of the Marxist elite. The main players in the ORIGINAL Libertarian Tea Party movement were indeed white males, but since its founding, many females and members of other races have joined the fight against neo-fascist tyranny.
Even though I am white, I rarely get “ANGRY”, preferring to not let my emotions get the better of me. Instead, I get EVEN! For example, I started this blog. Nonetheless, I have been referred to as an AWM merely because I refuse to submit to the FemiNazis’ campaign of mass feminization. The “Angry White Male Syndrome” is blamed for practically every type of transgression that a white man can commit. FemiNazis casually toss around statistics which seem to show that the majority of people involved in a variety of unspeakably vile acts, which on the surface appear to be rooted in anger, are WHITE MEN. Well, you know what … I agree with them! White men are hands down the “angriest” people on the face of the Earth … but there is good reason for them to feel that way. Continue reading